Counseling Artifacts
Bulletin Boards
The majority of the bulletin boards below were completed by myself and my colleague, Mr. Teddy Dawson.
Classroom Guidance
During my practicum experience Mr. Dawson and I constructed and delivered a number of classroom guidance lessons, which spanned across grades K-5. Here I have included documents used to complete my first classroom guidance lesson, as well as a a few of the books and videos used during our classroom guidance lessons.
Systemic Change
Below are two surveys I created/co-created in an effort to gather data used to promote systemic change. The first was administered to all students at Wes-Del Middle/High School. The second was used with a targeted group of Wes-Del middle school students and will be used to inform academic interventions.
Community Resources
My colleagues and I created a website listing community resources available to our middle and high school students and their families. The link to this website is available below.